Ongoing Competitor Monitoring in Private Banking

Ongoing Competitor Monitoring in Private Banking

Ongoing Competitor Monitoring in Private Banking

Monitor International and local private banking trends and developments to help the client offer.


A leading private bank that operates in key markets globally.


BEI is a leading Financial Services Marketing Intelligence provider, with experience across the globe. We have a decade of experience in ongoing marketing intelligence. Our team of analysts have a detailed understanding of the banking industry and its many sectors.


The client wanted a Marketing Intelligence solution to monitor marketing developments of key competitors and global private banking trends. On a quarterly basis BEI provides the client with a detailed competitor analysis, which includes an analysis of the most pertinent global private banking trends.

So What?

Insights provided by the ongoing monitoring continuously highlight gaps and opportunities within the insurance industry, as well as inform the clients business marketing strategy within the countries it operates and is interested in.

Unpacking Successful Loyalty Programmes

Unpacking Successful Loyalty Programmes

Unpacking Successful Loyalty Programmes
Analyse leading loyalty programmes from around the world to enhance the clients own loyalty programme


An exclusive private bank.


BEI has over a decade of experience in marketing intelligence, with access to best practice, and a wide network of sources.
BEI tracks loyalty programme development from around the world on an ongoing basis.


The client was looking to enhance its own loyalty programme by taking inspiration from the best performing loyalty programmes from around the globe.

BEI unpacked the key elements of the most successful loyalty programmes run by the fast food chains, online bookstores, banks and airlines, among others.

So What?

Using the insights provided from BEI, the bank was able to take inspiration from leading loyalty programmes from around the world to successfully redesign their own loyalty programme.

Ongoing Competitor Monitoring in the UK

Ongoing Competitor Monitoring in the UK

Ongoing Competitor Monitoring in the UK
Track market and competitive developments within the UK Market on a continuous basis.


A top wealth management organisation in the UK.


BEI is a leading Financial Services Marketing Intelligence provider, with experience across the globe.
We have a decade of experience in ongoing market intelligence. Our team of analysts have a detailed understanding of the wealth management industry and its many sectors.


As a means to grow the UK’s leading investment business, the client wanted to track market and competitive developments within the UK market with a focus on pensions and retirement, investments, protection (risk), asset management and distribution.

BEI provided the client with an ongoing biweekly newsflash covering the relevant top competitor developments across the whole value chain.

So What?

BEI provided the client with a holistic view on the competitors’ positioning in the wealth industry.

This insight was used to help the client scale accordingly, drive competitive marketing strategies and in turn, develop a stronger differentiator.